Attorney SEO Tips For Multi-Office Law Firms

attorney seo

While word of mouth is still a significant factor in getting referrals for your law firm, most people check the credentials of their attorneys online to validate their recommendations. That’s where specialized attorney SEO can help. With just a little effort, your law firm can have a presence in search engines by ranking high for related keywords. Here are some tips to optimize your site:

Submit directory information consistently and include a primary keyword and related long-tail keywords. Google uses these pages to judge your firm’s credibility. Make sure you include as many subtopics as possible, and use both your primary keyword and long-tail keywords as part of your SEO plan. For your law firm to rank high, you should submit your website to popular directories regularly. As Google’s algorithm changes, you should also submit your law firm’s information consistently across the web.

The goal of an attorney SEO campaign is to boost web traffic, which converts into foot traffic. If your website is not visible on Google, visitors are more likely to bounce to the search results. This increases the Bounce Rate and leads to a loss of rankings. And if your website is not listed on the first page, your competitors will take over your position. This is why attorney SEO is vitally important for multi-office law firms.

A successful attorney SEO marketing campaign takes time and effort. It requires daily action and an understanding of how search engines work. Properly executed attorney SEO marketing strategy is an investment that will last for many years. And if you continue to maintain it, you’ll continue to reap the benefits of your SEO campaign long after the work is completed. So, make sure your firm takes the time to invest in SEO, and start reaping the benefits today.

Content on your law firm website should be high quality and relevant. Content that is in-depth and answers questions clearly is essential. Often, law firms have generic FAQ pages with ‘it depends’ answers or information that makes them look unprofessional. But your law firm’s website must be better than your competition’s. Make sure you include more details in your FAQ sections and answer your visitors’ questions in a comprehensive manner. And don’t forget to optimize your blog for SEO.

Online reviews are a vital component of attorney SEO. A high-quality law firm’s online reviews will increase their profile and attract traffic. Encourage your previous clients to write reviews as this will boost your profile and traffic. In addition to that, be sure to visit all review directories and maintain accurate information. Once your page ranks well on Yelp, you’ll have a high chance of getting referrals. You’ll never know when a referral may come in handy.

A well-written biography is another important element of lawyer SEO. Your biography is the second most viewed page on your law firm website, so it should reflect your personality and what sets you apart from your competitors. Make sure to highlight your accomplishments and accolades. Local awards are particularly valuable, but don’t forget to list them. Your biography is the perfect place to sell yourself to Google! In addition to being informative, it also acts as a means of promoting your firm.