3 Tips to Boost Your SEO Local Ranking

SEO Local, or search engine optimization, focuses on attracting traffic from your region. It is ideal for small businesses with physical storefronts, as it brings in both online and foot traffic to your business. SEO Local includes three main elements: local citations, backlinks to high-ranking sites, and quality content. Once implemented, these three factors will increase your business’s visibility and online presence. Listed below are some tips to boost your SEO Local ranking:

First, ensure that your business NAP is consistent across platforms. This means having the same name, address, and phone number on all of your websites and social media profiles. This will help search engines rank your listing in local results. This is important not only for map pack results, but also for regular search results. In addition, directories will often appear high in local queries.

Second, respond to online reviews, both positive and negative. This will enhance your online visibility and increase your company’s trustworthiness among potential customers. In addition, backlinks are an authority signal for search engines and can help improve your online visibility for local keywords. However, building links is a time-consuming and tedious process.

Third, focus on your local area. SEO Local is particularly beneficial for small businesses. Unlike traditional SEO, local SEO targets a specific audience and targets local search results. For example, if you own a hotel, you’ll want to show up at the top of local search results. After all, 80% of local searches result in purchases.