How SEO Marketing Can Help Your Law Practice

Your website should be comprised of two content archetypes – moneymakers and sales pages. The moneymakers contain information about your services, client testimonials, and calls to action, like a contact form. The sales pages should be designed with your reader’s intent in mind, answering common questions and dispelling objections. The moneymakers should convert those in the hiring mindset with in-depth content, multiple calls to action, and strategically placed keywords. A high-performing website has all these essentials in place, including the Good Core Web. Digital marketing and traditional marketing go hand-in-hand,…

The Basics of Local Search Engine Optimization

With the right local SEO strategy, your business can rank high on local search engines, boost sales, and improve local visibility. Approximately 50% of online searches are made for local products and services, so appearing first in local search results is key. Despite the benefits of local SEO, less than half of businesses employ it. In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of local SEO. Let’s start with a practical example. Home Depot, an international home improvement company, ranks highly for millions of queries in the world. Because of its…